Friday, June 10, 2016

Take a little care about Karma…..!

1.Renounce Retaliation:

When Karma is yielding the Karma Phala which I deserve there is no need for me to be the instrument to return a karmic reaction to someone else. If I retaliate I will be creating a new unseemly karma to face in the future.

2. Stop Blaming:

Karma Phala generally manifests through others, and thus it is easy to blame others instead of understanding the intricacies of Karma. I am, through my past actions, the creator of all that i am experiencing in the present. I am the cause while others whom i think are responsible are mere instruments for returning my Karma Phala to me.

3. Avoid Consequences:

Quite often my actions are based upon an emotional reaction to what someone has done or said to me. The consequences of such actions are often not clearly and carefully thought about. If I contemplate over it I will observe that the consequence of harming others with my action in the present is for me to be harmed again in the future by someone else’s actions. This behavior creates an endless cycle of being harmed and harming others, which is only stopped by considering the consequences before acting and not harming back.

4. Alleviate Past Karma:

Once the consequence is taken care, my life will be sublime enough to focus on ridding myself of karmas of the past, mitigating them, meaning to make less harsh, painful or severe. Wise handling of karma begins with the decision to carry the karma I now have cheerfully, and not add to it. A firm decision to live in such a way as to create no new negative karmas is a sound basis for living a religious life, for following the precepts of dharma and avoiding that which is adharmic.

5. Seek the Guidance of Absolute:   
Karma Phala has to be endured inevitably. Yet its impact can be made to be less so that I can tolerate it. For this I need to have the Divine Grace. He is the knower of all. It is best to be guided by Him. He can place me at a very caring situation when I have to endure with my past Karma Phalas. All I need to say is I am at your mercy.      

6.        Accelerate Karma:

Why should I wait for many births to achieve spiritual maturity when I can achieve in this birth itself? This is the idea behind accelerating karma. When I begin performing regular daily sadhana, preferably at the same time each day, my individual karma is intensified. By this conscious process of purification, of inner striving, of refining and maturing, the karmas come more swiftly, evolution speeds up and things can and usually do get more intense. Nothing to worry it is natural and necessary. That intensity is the way the mind experiences the added cosmic energies that begin to flow through the nervous system.

7. Burn the Resultant Karma:

I can burn up the seeds of  Karma without ever having to live through them. What I need to do is find the seed and dissolve it in intense inner light. Just do a good work and channelise the result to Absolute. Hence we had this habit of ending a good deed by uttering “Sri Krishnarpanamastu”

Sri Krishnarpanamastu!!